Monday, September 17, 2007

Video Journal #2 AND #3






Jennifer and Andy said...

Who broke a string? Are you serious? You should keep it to remember that moment since its unlikely to ever happen again ;o)

Ruth said...

Loving the episodes. Totally makes me want to come back and do CTI fulltime all over again. Well, I just might do that =)

Blessings from Australia!

Anonymous said...

Great videoblog guys. Vanita - you had in invitation to come out and dance? And you said "maybe sometime" and sat inside?! I'm disappointed. It's such a shame not to take advantage of a guy who is willing to get out on the dance floor. Regarding the Sioux, I've heard they are very suspicious people and have been known to hide and then track visitors to their final destination to ensure that they are not spies from other tribes sent to steal the secrets of the falls. You all might want to watch your backs. They have a reputation for throwing tomahawks first, asking questions later.
Anyway, it was nice to have you all here in Orange City. I hope the rest of your tour is fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Dude....a face full of Laura! Man, I miss college....