Thursday, September 20, 2007


Tonight I was in prison. I played my guitar and sang. I worshiped with 37 inmates and my team. And I can't remember when I've been so blessed before.

I guess I kind of knew what to expect. I've done prison ministry with CTI in Mexico and have been blessed. Still, it continues to astound me how God fills me up with His love and grace in these moments.

We simply sang a few songs, performed a drama, not that big a deal. But the appreciation on these men's faces was sincere. I guess I should say, MY appreciation for them and their ministry was sincere.

These men come from all different backrounds, they've made all sorts of choices, choices that I make everyday as well. Who knows but God all their lives have entailed?
As I listened to their prayers, prayers for their children, for soldiers in Iraq, for Israel, for us.... yes they were praying for US and our ministry and for the people we will be ministering too, I almost cried. God is so amazing isn't he? His grace amazed me tonight. So how fitting to close the evening out we sang about it

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found was blind
but now I see

Hallelujah grace like rain
falls down on me
hallelujah all my stains
are washed away
washed away

I feel encouraged now to return to training. My purpose is clearer, it's simply this: to be available for God, whatever He wants of me...

Knowing full well in all of this, without His grace...I am nothing... Paz todos!
Can't wait to see 14:21 and chat about your road experience!

this is Vanita signing off....

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Prisons were always my most favourite place to play...I know exactly what you're saying! It's amazing.