Thursday, September 20, 2007 know you're getting owned when you see a 60 year old man stand on his head...he even did some random tricks while he was up there...I can't even stand on my head...and I'm definitly not 60.

We played at our first correctional center today. It was so sweet to worship with these guys who love God with all thier hearts. It was also so humbling to be there. You go in thinking that you have some corner on God or Christianity. At least for me I've never been to jail or "sinned" that much. I mean, I was homeschooled, I'm perfect right... ;) But then I realized after seeing these men who love God so much that thier faith is much more child-like and honest than mine has ever been. They know that they NEED God. I'm rather jelous of them, I wish I had that kind of faith.
Without Wax,

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I love you, Bek!

Prison ministry... *tear* oh the memories...