Thursday, January 18, 2007

And we're off again....

Hi there families, friends, supporters, and others interested in how CTI 14:22 is going!

We are doing well. As Tiffany mentioned in her post, we are just finishing off our 3 week stint of Partnership Drive. On alternating nights, we and team 21 hit the phones between 6 and 11pm (to catch people in all 4 time zones). We had over 1200 numbers (I think!) to ring and had a goal to raise $20,000 for CTI. We have our last shift tonight and have just a few more numbers left. People have been giving very generously and so far we have received around $16,000.....some of that in real money, most of it in pledges. And quite a number of people have said they want to give, but are praying about how much, so we're expecting more to come in the next few weeks as people decide and send in donations.

Praise the Lord! He is providing. We're expecting to have a large amount of Summer team members this year - hopefully 6-8 teams (60-90 people), so every bit counts! Thank you so much to those who have supported CTI this Partnership Drive and also in the past. As a current full-timer, I can see it making a difference.

And let's not forget the prayer support, which is just as important! Bright and early (actually, it will still be dark at 6am....) on Saturday morning, we leave for our Winter Tour. It will be a whopping 10 weeks of driving, playing concerts, connecting with people, and sharing Christ's love. I'm sure you can imagine all the things we'll need prayer for!

*safe travel
*healthy bodies and adequate sleep
*servant hearts towards those we minister to out on the road and also towards each other
*team unity as we continue to bond as team mates and family
*enthusiasm/strength/encouragement/refreshing for the times when we're drained and need to refocus on what God has called us to

Thanks and God bless. I hope we will be more diligent to keep in touch with you all via this blogsite this tour, so keep checking back each week!


Tiffany said...

HOPEFULLY more diligent, come on now! :) We're excited to step it up this tour.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to meeting you all on Friday. Drive safe...we are praying for you. ~Chuck