Tuesday, January 23, 2007

yeah, winter tour!

Winter Tour has been off to a great start, thanks to the amazing people here in Iowa! That's right, we've spent the last few days going to some places near Farmersburg (for those who know where that is) and we have been so blessed by the people here. Talk about hospitality! Thanks, Pastor Bruce and all those who are here taking such good care of us.

On a more personal note, I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for me and my team this tour. I have definitely had my personal triumphs and defeats, but more than anything I am ever dependent on my ever present Jesus. Taiwan began a process in me that I am excited to see the Lord continue. One of the biggest lessons I started to learn (and I emphasize started to learn) was about letting the Lord be my everything. Overseas, in particular, holds a challenge in that I can't just jump on the cell phone or into my car to go see or talk to anyone I want. I have my team, which is a blessing, but what happens when they aren't able to meet my needs? I have always believed that the Lord is enough, but never in my life has that been so challenged as it has been since my start with CTI. The Lord is the only one who can love me the way I need to be loved ALL the time, and I desire for the Lord to be my everything. So, as this tour progresses, I look forward to the many challenges ahead in this area and others, though of course I won't be excited about the trials at the time, I know I will be thankful for them later.

So, that's it for now. I hope this finds all of you well. Keep checking back for more updates from all of us more regularly, as we have access (which in some places I'm sure might be a challenge, but we'll do our best!).


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