Back in Minnesota again. Just got back from Urban 06. Urbana is a HUGE missions confrence with a bunch of speakers and different ministries represented at hundreds of boths in a huge confrence center. There were about 22,000 people who attended! David Lanning(CTI president), Melody and Beth(recruiting department), Jimmy (CTI Alumni), Ruthie(from the other fulltime team), and Carolyn and I went to represent CTI. We had a both set up and recruited people for at least 6 hours straight every day! It was crazy! There were so many people there. We also had an audition room set up. The first day I recruited all day, which was hard cuz I am so not used to talking that much. But it was quite enjoyable getting to chat with so many different people. The next two days I switched off half way through the day in the audition room, and the last day I spent the whole day in there. That day Carolyn and I auditioned 49 People! And David Lanning auditioned another 16! All the days combined we auditioned I think 120 people. (my number may be slightly off) We also got 400 some short applications from people interested in our ministry! So praise the Lord! We are hoping to send out 6 to 8 summer teams this year. please pray that we would be able to utilize the opporitunity we have here, and that the right people would join us.

This is me and Luke(CTI Alumni) talking to someone at the recruiting booth

This is one of the sessions in the Edward Jones Dome. I think Rick Warren was speaking this night
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