Saturday, October 14, 2006

Shocking Illustration

This is us learning how to play the best game ever invented..

This is us about six hours later, discovering the full potential of this amazing device!


Ruth said...

Well Jayjay, I just don't know what to say ;) So did it hurt?! Teehee, looks like a fun game though. Thanks for putting up these's great to see all you're faces again! We're praying for you guys!

Paul said...

honestly...what are we promoting here? Just kidding! I wish I could play. Keep your eyes open for some pretty sweet video footage from 14:21 soon too.

Hope you guys are having a blast!

Squibbby said...

No Ruthie it didn't hurt at all, I was just moving like that for show :-S JK
My eyes are peeled! looking forward to some sweet videos!

Tiffany said...

14:21, who knows, maybe we will be able to share the madness with y'all at some point... and they really did play it endlessly. I'm glad we got to share a bit of this with y'all!

Anonymous said...

just wondering, what exactly is the best game ever invented? can you get it in australia? xoxo erin