Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Counting down the hours and asking for prayer

Guess it's bout time I did me furst post on this here thing.

Well this is our last week in Willmar MN. Saturday we head off on the west coast tour. We will be on the road for 7 weeks straight! We will be playing several times each week, sometimes more than once a day, and we will be in a different host home almost every night. Right now I think I am more excited than I am nervous, which I suppose is a good thing. Please pray for both us and 14:21. We still have quite a few details to fill in before we leave this weekend, some of us feel more prepared than others, but I believe that with the Lord's help everyhting will fall into place.

Please pray that we would all keep our focus where it should be, that our personal devotional lives would flourish, that our teams would hold together with a common goal of glorifying God and furthering His kindgdom, that our music would become second nature to us in order that we might be able to lead others into worship more effectively, and that spending time with the Lord and doing what He has called us to individually, would become, and remain our top priority. Also, please pray for the people we are going to minister to, that the Lord would prepare and soften their hearts for whatever it is He wants to do through us.

I beleive that the Lord has some great things He wants to do through us this year, and I don't want to pass up any opporitunities. Thank you all who are already praying for us. There is power in prayer, and once you believe that, it becomes even more powerfull. I think if we could see the battels being fought in the heavenly realms when we pray, we would be so much more inclined to pray and almost have no reason to stop praying. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. I know, we can't always see what is going on when we pray, but that is the very deffinition of faith! The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen! And Jesus said that if we have the faith of a mustard seed we can move mountains, wow, I mean seriously just read Hebrews chapter 11! All those things were done just by faith! Faith is believing something to be so, that we have no evidence for. Believing, seeing, precieveing it as you have prayed that it would be, without the actual tangiblility of it. Prayer accompanied by genuine faith is invaluablely preicious to us.

Thank you for praying for us, please continue to do so. Being backed by prayer makes us infinitely more effective than we would be with out it.


Anonymous said...


my name is abby gross and i was on full-time last year. i have been praying for you all as you embark on your year of ministry together!

Have fun as you set out for your tour on the west coast... i loved my time there last year! in-n-out is a must (everday if possible) and please say hi to floyd and karla krauss in seattle if you see them.

and for you drivers... i think it's two guys on your team... i'm praying extra hard for you. i remember long times of driving... for the rest of the team, be thankful!!! it's hard to drive all day long!

God bless...

love in Him,
Abby Gross

tyler said...

Hey guys, sorry I didn't get to see you off, but I had to work. I hope that you guys have an amazing tour. I will be praying for you back here. I expect stories when you come back.

Anonymous said...

Hey JJ. I'll call you today and plan get up to see you tomorrow. Hou do you like our beautiful state? This side of the mountains is a little different isn't it? Love and all that musshy stuff too! Aunt Illeane