Saturday, September 02, 2006


Welcome to CTI 14:22's one and only official blog! Members of the team will be posting their thoughts on their CTI experience here periodically.

And YOU, dear viewing public, are invited to respond! You can't post directly, but you can all comment on existing posts! Your comments are subject to moderation (that means I have to approve them before they go live) so keep them family friendly, OK?

Be sure to check out the team's bios, pictures and other posts on just click the "CTI Music Ministries" link to the right. Their tour schedule can be found there as well.

Happy commenting!
-Chris Reed
CTI Program Director / Blog moderator

1 comment:

tyler said...

14:22 represent. It always was my favorite of the two numbers. I'll be praying for you all as you continue your training and starting touring in the upcoming weeks.