Sometimes I feel like a hypocrite - I'm with
CTI this year challenging and encouraging people to live their lives fully committed to an amazing God, yet I myself struggle with sin and brokenness and imperfection that separate me from God. What authority do I have to be in a position of ministry when I'm just as weak as anyone else? The funny thing is, if we on
CTI were perfect Christians, that perfection would actually isolate us from those we are out to minister to. Our weakness is what connects us with the people we encounter every day, because weakness is something that every single person on this earth has in common. Nobody is perfect, regardless of how much we would like to be, or how much of a front we put on so that others think we are. As Pastor Dan
O'Deens from Gateway Church in
Coatesville, PA (where
CTI 14:22 played this past Sunday) said; "
God's heroes are not perfect people. They are people who serve a perfect God."

We are not perfect. And we will never be.
But God is. In our imperfection, in our weakness, in our brokenness, let's live to serve Him.
With love on behalf of 14:22,
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