Hello fans of CTI 14:22!
With the recent launch of our new website, we've moved our team blogs back to ctimusic.org. Stop by and check them out! You won't be able to comment directly on the posts at the CTI site, but they will also cross-post to our facebook page, and we encourage your comments on them there.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I guess it has been a while since we last updated from Coatesville, PA... but since then, we've been through Maryland, PA, CANADA!!!, OH, IN, and now Prairie du Chien, WI! We had an awesome time of worship and fellowship with our brothers and sisters at Cornerstone Foursquare Church last night, and we're about to head over to the Prairie du Chien Correctional Facility for a concert there tonight.
Thank you again for all your prayers and support! We've got only FOUR more days of winter tour left as we'll be heading to Boscobel, WI tomorrow, Menasha, WI on Saturday, Wheaton, IL on Sunday afternoon, and then all the way back to Willmar, MN Monday morning... so hopefully you'll keep praying for us as we continue to serve the Lord and further His Kingdom!
Thank you again for all your prayers and support! We've got only FOUR more days of winter tour left as we'll be heading to Boscobel, WI tomorrow, Menasha, WI on Saturday, Wheaton, IL on Sunday afternoon, and then all the way back to Willmar, MN Monday morning... so hopefully you'll keep praying for us as we continue to serve the Lord and further His Kingdom!
Monday, March 01, 2010
This is Denny....not Rachelle
hello friends
For the last week we were snowed in at Coatsville PA. We were originally going to be there for about 5 days but ended up staying an extra few days. This gave us a great opportunity to get to know our hosts there really well. Thanks to all in Coatsville for keeping us for an extra couple days...its greatly appreciated! So now after a bit of a break we are all excited to get back out there and "get er dun" for God's kingdom!
Utmost Regards, :)
For the last week we were snowed in at Coatsville PA. We were originally going to be there for about 5 days but ended up staying an extra few days. This gave us a great opportunity to get to know our hosts there really well. Thanks to all in Coatsville for keeping us for an extra couple days...its greatly appreciated! So now after a bit of a break we are all excited to get back out there and "get er dun" for God's kingdom!
Utmost Regards, :)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
On Perfection
Sometimes I feel like a hypocrite - I'm with CTI this year challenging and encouraging people to live their lives fully committed to an amazing God, yet I myself struggle with sin and brokenness and imperfection that separate me from God. What authority do I have to be in a position of ministry when I'm just as weak as anyone else? The funny thing is, if we on CTI were perfect Christians, that perfection would actually isolate us from those we are out to minister to. Our weakness is what connects us with the people we encounter every day, because weakness is something that every single person on this earth has in common. Nobody is perfect, regardless of how much we would like to be, or how much of a front we put on so that others think we are. As Pastor Dan O'Deens from Gateway Church in Coatesville, PA (where CTI 14:22 played this past Sunday) said; "God's heroes are not perfect people. They are people who serve a perfect God."
We are not perfect. And we will never be. But God is. In our imperfection, in our weakness, in our brokenness, let's live to serve Him.
With love on behalf of 14:22,
With love on behalf of 14:22,
Monday, February 22, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Crazy times!
Hey all, its Matt(using Dan's blogger acct.) Rumor has it that I've never posted on this blog thing..well the time has come. These last few days have been pretty crazy, with a concert being postponed due to the trailer needing some repair, and another concert postponed due to heavy snowfall. So we soaked in a few extra days of rest and had an awesome time hanging out with some great hosts. This morning(friday) we got back out on the road and drove to where I'm sitting right now, Williamsburg, VA, where we led an awesome time of worship at an Intervarsity group meeting at the College of William and Mary. Thanks for praying for us as we travel!
A challenge for you..
I've been thinking a lot about Luke 12:22-34 which is Jesus telling His disciples not to worry about anything in this world because He will provide what they need. That concept is easy to hear and easy to agree with, but I often wonder if I believe that He will actually provide. To rely fully on God is not really something we as North Americans are comfortable with because we are so used to providing for ourselves. I challenge you not to pursue treasures on this earth and do as it says in Luke 12:31 "Seek His kingdom, and these thing will be given unto you..". I love that concept because it is something the world will never understand, because everything on earth is about attaining the nicest things. While treasures on this earth can be fun, they don't last. Verse 34 goes on to say "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also". I dont know about you, but I want my heart to be set on God's kingdom, a treasure that lasts forever. Thanks for reading!
A challenge for you..
I've been thinking a lot about Luke 12:22-34 which is Jesus telling His disciples not to worry about anything in this world because He will provide what they need. That concept is easy to hear and easy to agree with, but I often wonder if I believe that He will actually provide. To rely fully on God is not really something we as North Americans are comfortable with because we are so used to providing for ourselves. I challenge you not to pursue treasures on this earth and do as it says in Luke 12:31 "Seek His kingdom, and these thing will be given unto you..". I love that concept because it is something the world will never understand, because everything on earth is about attaining the nicest things. While treasures on this earth can be fun, they don't last. Verse 34 goes on to say "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also". I dont know about you, but I want my heart to be set on God's kingdom, a treasure that lasts forever. Thanks for reading!
Monday, February 01, 2010
comin' at ya from the sunshine state.
Hey y'all, Jon here. Sorry it's been quite a while since our last update in Georgia. Well, since leaving Columbus, we've been to multiple towns in sunny Florida. God has definitely shown us heaps of things in our short time here.
so we went from this...

to this.

One of the things that we had a chance to do was just sit on the beach and marvel at God's creation after having a blast with the SOY group from Hurlburt Field AFB's youth retreat. Not only did we get to see God's creation in full splendor, we got to see what it means to give everything you have to further the kingdom of God, no matter what circumstances life throws at you. So our hosts at Hurlburt Field AFB, Cope and Sue, literally gave everything they have in order to invest in the lives of their students and in our lives as well for the short time we were there... their time, finances, life stories and experiences. Nothing was too much for them and they always did it with a joyful heart. And their love for their students definitely poured out and overflowed and the culture of their YG became much the same as how they lived out their lives. They weren't shy about sharing their pains and hurts and asking their students to lift them up in prayer... and their students weren't worried about what others thought about them or anything like that if they were to share their struggles. Thanks guys!
The other thing I experienced was the surreal experience of having two worlds collide. This past Friday, we had the opportunity to play at my home church. And it was great!

People from both Harvest (my church's English congregation) and Vision Church (my church's Korean congregation) were led in worship by the team. And while the whole experience of being back home, looking out into the congregation and seeing familiar faces, and looking around and seeing team 14:22, was odd, it was good to have an opportunity to share the mission and goals of CTI with my home church and to tell them a little bit about what we've been up to. And it was great to see that it didn't matter how different everyone was... we got a little glimpse of heaven that night. It didn't matter what language we spoke, what stage of life we were in... we all worshipped the God who deserves all of our worship. And no language barrier, power outage, and awkward pauses between sentences in explanations of experiences had so far, kept us from worshipping God. And what brought us together wasn't the fact that I attend Harvest or the fact that we happened to have a venue there, but it was the love of Christ that brought us together. And it was good to see and be reminded of the fact that there are people back home rooting for us and praying for us.

So thanks for everything family at Harvest!
We'll be in Florida for a little while longer and then we'll be heading north in the next few days. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!! We really couldn’t be doing this without you lifting us up in prayer!! Here are a couple more prayer requests for the following weeks:
btw... Photo props to Isaac Lee (jakleephotography.blogspot.com) and Sue Copeland. Thanks y'all. Until next time.
so we went from this...

to this.

One of the things that we had a chance to do was just sit on the beach and marvel at God's creation after having a blast with the SOY group from Hurlburt Field AFB's youth retreat. Not only did we get to see God's creation in full splendor, we got to see what it means to give everything you have to further the kingdom of God, no matter what circumstances life throws at you. So our hosts at Hurlburt Field AFB, Cope and Sue, literally gave everything they have in order to invest in the lives of their students and in our lives as well for the short time we were there... their time, finances, life stories and experiences. Nothing was too much for them and they always did it with a joyful heart. And their love for their students definitely poured out and overflowed and the culture of their YG became much the same as how they lived out their lives. They weren't shy about sharing their pains and hurts and asking their students to lift them up in prayer... and their students weren't worried about what others thought about them or anything like that if they were to share their struggles. Thanks guys!
The other thing I experienced was the surreal experience of having two worlds collide. This past Friday, we had the opportunity to play at my home church. And it was great!

People from both Harvest (my church's English congregation) and Vision Church (my church's Korean congregation) were led in worship by the team. And while the whole experience of being back home, looking out into the congregation and seeing familiar faces, and looking around and seeing team 14:22, was odd, it was good to have an opportunity to share the mission and goals of CTI with my home church and to tell them a little bit about what we've been up to. And it was great to see that it didn't matter how different everyone was... we got a little glimpse of heaven that night. It didn't matter what language we spoke, what stage of life we were in... we all worshipped the God who deserves all of our worship. And no language barrier, power outage, and awkward pauses between sentences in explanations of experiences had so far, kept us from worshipping God. And what brought us together wasn't the fact that I attend Harvest or the fact that we happened to have a venue there, but it was the love of Christ that brought us together. And it was good to see and be reminded of the fact that there are people back home rooting for us and praying for us.

So thanks for everything family at Harvest!
We'll be in Florida for a little while longer and then we'll be heading north in the next few days. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!! We really couldn’t be doing this without you lifting us up in prayer!! Here are a couple more prayer requests for the following weeks:
· Safety as we travel (we’ve got some gnarly drives coming up... and we'll be heading up towards the snowy bits of the country.)
· Servant hearts (that we would continue to want the Lord to work mightily in us and through us)
· The hearts of people that we meet (that the Lord would be working even now in their hearts... that they’ll be ready to hear the message that He has for them)
Thank you again for all your support!!
btw... Photo props to Isaac Lee (jakleephotography.blogspot.com) and Sue Copeland. Thanks y'all. Until next time.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Some pictures from Columbus, Georgia
Our van got stuck in the mud, so we had to push it out:
Some animals at the Stephens' house:
Our concert at Calvary Christian School:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Week 2
Hello Friends and Family!
Welcome to week 2 of Winter Tour. We've just come down from stops in Illinois and Tennessee. We are currently with Aaron Stephens and his fiance, Sarah Hoagland, in Columbus, Georgia. It has been a really good time so far. We've seen a bunch of alumni on the road already, and all of our hosts and contacts have been nothing short of fabulous. We are looking forward to this upcoming week, especially as we continue heading south to warm weather and the beaches of Florida!
Many audience members come up to us after concerts and tell us what a blessing we were to them. What people do not realize, though, is just how much we are genuinely affected by every contact at every venue we come across. God's loving kindness is being displayed to us at every turn of our journey. We are constantly receiving reminders of his faithfulness and inner-workings in our lives and the lives of those we meet. This tour continues to be filled with stories of God's abundant grace.
Jeff, Team 14:22
Welcome to week 2 of Winter Tour. We've just come down from stops in Illinois and Tennessee. We are currently with Aaron Stephens and his fiance, Sarah Hoagland, in Columbus, Georgia. It has been a really good time so far. We've seen a bunch of alumni on the road already, and all of our hosts and contacts have been nothing short of fabulous. We are looking forward to this upcoming week, especially as we continue heading south to warm weather and the beaches of Florida!
Many audience members come up to us after concerts and tell us what a blessing we were to them. What people do not realize, though, is just how much we are genuinely affected by every contact at every venue we come across. God's loving kindness is being displayed to us at every turn of our journey. We are constantly receiving reminders of his faithfulness and inner-workings in our lives and the lives of those we meet. This tour continues to be filled with stories of God's abundant grace.
Jeff, Team 14:22
Friday, January 08, 2010
Winter Tour Kickoff, Yeaaaah!
Team 14:22 just headed out to start our 11 week winter tour (hitting Illinois, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, Ontario, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin - eek!), and we're so excited to be back on the road again after winter break! Our show at Rockford Rescue Mission this afternoon is the first show we've played together since the end of November, and we're all geared up to sing, rock out, and have some awesome ministry moments with those we're going to encounter today. Please keep us in your prayers as we begin this tour - pray for safe travels, open hearts, and that God will use us for His will and His purpose.
Since many of those who read this blog won't get to see us on the road, I wanted to share a couple videos of our performances in Toronto this past November. (See? It's like you're there with us! Kind of, anyway.) Here's 14:22 covering "For All You've Done" and " Because of Your Love".
Happy New Year from 14:22!
Since many of those who read this blog won't get to see us on the road, I wanted to share a couple videos of our performances in Toronto this past November. (See? It's like you're there with us! Kind of, anyway.) Here's 14:22 covering "For All You've Done" and " Because of Your Love".
Happy New Year from 14:22!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Yay! Everyone is back to Willmar after Christmas break! It was so awesome to see everyone again after being without our teammates for two weeks. And even though we've only gotten back, we're getting ready to leave for Winter Tour on Thursday! Today was a crazy day full of much needed rehearsal time, tomorrow will be tour prep day, and then early Thursday morning we leave already! Winter tour lasts for about 10 weeks, and our team is going to be traveling south down to Georgia, over to Florida, up the east coast, around back to Toronto, and back to Minnesota.
Please pray for safe travels for both teams. Thursday is supposed to bring some pretty nasty (typical) Minnesota weather, and both teams are scheduled to have about a 7-ish hour long drive.
With much love and pumped up-edness,
Please pray for safe travels for both teams. Thursday is supposed to bring some pretty nasty (typical) Minnesota weather, and both teams are scheduled to have about a 7-ish hour long drive.
With much love and pumped up-edness,
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