Wednesday, October 14, 2009

God at work in Taiwan

After a week in Taiwan, I am so amazed at how God is at work here. Despite cultural differences and the language barrier (I can still only say "hello" and "thank you" in Mandarin!), our team has really been reaching out to those we have encountered here. To see the excitement on the faces of the people at our concerts, and to hear the joy in their voices when they come to us after the shows to ask about God and our walks with just blows me away what an honour and privilege it is to be here, and to share our stories and share the love that God pours on us.

Earlier this week I got an email from Christian Harger, a former CTI full-timer, and he had this advice for me while overseas:

"Have such a fantastic time spreading the love of our savior and NEVER be afraid to tell somebody about Him."

We will, Christian. For sure.

With love on behalf of 14:22,


kswaay said...

I'll second Christian's advice. And, BE excellent and LIVE with excellence because you were given the ability to do so.

Eat lots on be half of me, please.
I'm praying for you all.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if you are one of the people in CTI
that came to Taiwan
and to our school = Sheng-te Christian Collage for Chappel today = October 22, 2009
Just wanna say, thank you all so much, for bringing us this peace and joyful day
May God always be with you

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if you are one of the people in CTI
that came to Taiwan
and to our school = Sheng-te Christian Collage for Chappel today
Just wanna say, thank you all so much, for bringing us this peace and joyful day
May God always be with you
(you can search me on Facebook: Lala Bella)