Thursday, October 11, 2007

Update from Hong Kong

Hey everyone!!!
We've had an amazing time here in Hong Kong. I can't believe it's already been a week, time flies!

The first day we got here (at 10pm) we unloaded, set all the equipment up and then went to bed at around 2am. The next day we got up at 5am and played five concerts. With jet lag and everything I think we all felt as though we were pushed to the end of ourselves, which was a really good place to be.

We had two concerts on the street with just a boom box and we did all our songs karaoke style along with all of our dramas. The rest of the week wasn't quite so hectic till yesterday when we had again 5 concerts...but this time they were all full set up! I didn't know there was that much time in a day. We've been challenged a number of times to do all English performances (without translation) so we're all learning to taaalk slowwwer so that the students can understand us.
We've been to a ton of schools which have all been a ton of fun and you should see the smiles of their faces when we start singing the Cantonese songs we've learned. There's one in particular that's a kung foo fighting song from a Jet Lee Movie that's having it's 10th year anniversary here. Everyone starts to go crazy and joins us for all the "HOA"s and "HEY"s. Every time we have a concert I see the team grow in their stage presence...we'll be a force to be reckoned with once we get back to the states!!!

Prayer-wise we've had a few people who have had a cold and our bodies are still getting use the to humidity and the physically taxing days so if you could pray for our health. And for our safety while hauling the equipment everywhere (up stairs, in the middle of get the idea).

God has been amazing and has blessed us so much with random little things along the way (like chocolate yesterday). It's been such a privilege to be here and work with YFC. The food here has been amazing. YFC has volunteers that cook for us and boy are they good. We have had quite the eclectic mix of Chinese/American food....nothing like fried rice with spaghetti!! Please pray for YFC as well as the coordinate all of our concerts and all the logistics :) that go into it.
Thanks for your prayers and we will see you all soon,
Rebekah Fleck

From: Matt
To: You
Hey everybody just wanted to say that I'm doing great. Hope to see you all soon. I love you Donna.

Hi everyone back at home! We are starting to adjust to the new lifestyle, weather, and food here. The YFC is taking really great care of us!! We've already done over 20 concerts and have many more to come. Mom and dad, I am feeling wonderful, and I haven't lost anything...don't worry :) I miss and love you all very much. Blessings!

Joe Leee@!#:
Nay Ho ma everyone back at home. I am learning to embrace this culture and also accepting the ways of the Dong Jee Keung (HUH!-with a jump kick). The schools and crowds here are open to what we have to say and present. It was rough at first but we have been able to manage. Eat seng HOng Yat Kwong....!

Joe Gomez-
Hey everybody! We've been here in hong kong for about...8 days now and have had 25 concerts already! (5 on our first day with just 3 hours of sleep) Jet lag has nothing on us. God has provided incredibly for us this last week, giving us energy to get up and go and blessing us with so many great oppurtunities for ministry. It has been amazing! anyways, Hello's to Mom, Alex, Charles, Dad, Shane and Amanda, CHriiiiis reeeed, Bomstad's, Paul, Housekeepers, Jump, Ovcc, and...Nate and Christina's new baby. See you guys soon!

Hi! Hong Kong has been wonderful so far. We've been learning a ton and are challenged on a dialy basis. It's awesome to see how God is moving here, and to know that we're just a small part of it. Mom and Dad, don't worry, we're not sick, and the food is AMAZING (though they insist on making American food for us sometimes- yesterday, we had fried chicken and french fries!). To everyone else-Thanks for all your prayers and I can't wait to see you all soon!

Vanita Joines-
HOla Todos! Hong Kong is WOW! We've been so super busy but it has been a fantastic experience so far and I'm having a great time and staying healthy ( that's for Vera and Mom :) )... I am learning a few Cantonese phrases... the essentials, like, "where's the bathroom?" and stuff like that! Singing in Cantonese has been fun! Hello to Mom and Dad! Praying for you both and love ya! Vanessa and Dave (Dave I am drinking PEPSI haha) give Stephen and Ruth a kiss for me! Take it easy Vanessa! Hi Vera, Roni, Vida, Vance! I miss you all and can't wait to talk your ear off when I get home! Thanks Cross keys for all your prayer and support! Ngor oi nay, ho pung yau! -Love Vanita

Hi Mom, Dad, Jess, Chris and Jo...I miss you all so much and I love you. It's been a ton of fun here, really challenging with all the concerts, but I'm learning a lot. Hong Kong is making it up on the list of places I'd like to live for a while. Thanks for your prayers!! And tell the grandparents I love them.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh... it's awesome to hear from you all. I'm excited to hear the good attitudes in your writings. I'm still praying for you for safety, energy, good health, and servant hearts! Keep up the good work. God is using you in ways you don't even realize! "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works & glorify your Father in heaven" Matthew 5:16
in Him,

Emmett and his parents said...

emmett says hello.

J the Granddaughter/Renovator said...

YAY hon! i'm so glad Hong Kong is going well. Love you, miss you, prayers and hugs, you schmexy demon, you.
~the Jo

Anonymous said...

hey !! i watched ur band 2mornin .
i m wong shiu chi secondry skl stuend . wow !Fantastic although ur band is nt very famous , bt i luv it .
de man hu is wearin " love " jacket , he is so kwl . meny of ma friends(gurl) luv him so much .
and u every1 is kwl 2 .
i hope u cn reply me .
jut visit ma wbsite
cn u talk 2 me plz : or ( i hop u cn )

i hop i cn watch ur band nxt tym :)

Anonymous said...

hey .i caled cindy -go 2 wong shiu chi secondry skl .
i watched ur band 2mornin . so gud .wow ! fantastic ! although ur nt vry famous , bt i luv it & ma friends 2 ( gurls )
de boy hu wearin "love" jacket is so cool , i lik u & also ma friends wana u sign. cn i av it ?

all of ur band memebr are cool !!

ma wbsite ( cn u comment me )

cn u talk 2 me & teach me singin cuz i wana 2 b a singer . / .hop u cn sd me some video of u band . luv it >_<

i hop i cn talk 2 u on internt & watch u bnd again .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i miss you.
i always keep sunflowers with my secret powers in my room.
youre in my prayers.
(mother says, wamp wamp wamp hello wamp wamp...wamp)

Anonymous said...

talk 2 me joe !!