So, we have less than a week left here in Taiwan and I can't begin to tell y'all how amazing it has been. Oh the stories we will have to share once we can access this site agai But for now, I wanted to share with you something I was challenged with earlier today.
I've been reading through David Crowder's Praise Habit. I thought it would be appropriate and I've heard it's a good book, so I brought it along. Let me tell you, a-mazing! It's been very challenging and encouraging for me to go along with my devos. Being a worship leader himself (in Texas, but also ever heard of the David Crowder Band?), it's been great to have some insight related to praise in this time when we're doing music often (that is our foot in the door for ministry, right?). Moving along, in this chapter he's been talking about Psalm 50--go check it out for context, and here's part of what I read:
"He states that He doesn't find fault with Israel's blood sacrifices. But then He begins to question. He asks why He should want them? Did He not creat the bull and goat? Do we think he is hungry and in need of them to feast on... Then after this rhetorical line of questioning, He makes what I think could be a defining statement for our understanding of praise. The sacrifice God is looking for. . . praise.
What?... Let's try to reframe GOD's address and perhaps make it cut a little more for our moment.
'I don't find fault with your singing of songs. But do you think I'm in great need of music? Do you think it is too quiet where I am? Did I not make the air molecules to vibrate and dance in such a way to let melody float from here to there? Do you think I am in great need of hearing these songs that were my breathings in the first place?' "
Ouch. Now, don't get me wrong, God's rebukes are definitely loving. It's things I believe wholeheartedly but then lose sight of in the midst of travelling from here to there and doing two to four shows a day (in Taiwan two to three). I want so badly to sound great for the Lord, and then I lose sight at times of what or Who I'm doing this for in the first place. I've been challenged lately that while I want to sing well for the Lord, that's not what's most important. Sharing the love of Jesus is what counts, loving on people is first priority, and if I'm so wrapped up in the music and how much I want to praise God just through that, then I'm really missing the point of why I'm here. Our ministry is more than music, and if my heart's desire is to truly live in such a way where praise is my habit, then I need to get beyond the music and learn to praise Him in the midst of every day life. Singing does not equal praise, and while I've known that somewhere in my mind, it's a great reminder especially for this season in my life.
Anyway, that's all I've got for you for now. I hope all of you are well! We'll be state-side again soon, so keep those prayers coming and keep checking back for updates. -Tiffany

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