Greetings one and all! We have not intentionally neglected any of you, our faithful readers. However, we do not have access to this website, thus we have been remiss.
Our time in Taiwan has been good thus far, we have had no casualties and few illnesses to speak of, so that's a praise! We are halfway through our trip and wishing we could have shared more with you up to this point, but there will be many stories to come! So, you'll just have to wait in hopeful anticipation till then. For now, we appreciate your prayers and support. Stay tuned for stories, more pictures and all kinds of goodies from our trip. Thanks for your patience and sorry about the technical difficulties.
-Tiffany on behalf of 14:22

ah, the golden shore . . .
Hi team 14:22, I’m Andria from Taiwan. It’s really nice to met you guys and girls for the past two days. The music, drama and testimony you have done for us was touched me some ways. I’m so glad that God sent you all to Taiwan. And I also think that’s a bless for us. ( and also for you, too. = ) ) Hope you enjoy the tour in Taiwan and God bless. I’ll pray for you! = )
Hi, here's Morrow from Taiwan, who study in Soochow University you've visited. I was very touched by your all music. I love your songs very very much. You have one more performance tomorrow in our downtown campus. However, I can't go. What a pity!!! Have a nice day and enjoy your tour anyways. God bless you and us.
Hey, this is Tiffany from Taiwan. I'm a student at Morrison Christian Academy. You visited us awhile back and I thought your music was pretty awesome. Also, I was really touched by some of what you said and your testimonies. Hope you can come back again!
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