Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Day Thankfulness

So being the time for giving thanks I was thinking about all the things that I'm thankful for over the past few weeks.  It's been a great tour thus far and God is definitely at work and using us everywhere we go.  So here's a list of things we are thankful for as a team this tour.

T: Times of ministry when least expected and in ways unexpected.
H: Host home hospitality
A: All the friendships made in many states
N: Never-ending generosity
K: Killer meals
S: Singing for 1, 100, 1000.  Each an opportunity to praise a God who is worthy.
G: Guys who carry our suitcases: Ed, Carl, Eric, Nate
I: indistinguishable smells (one theory is that it's from the "G" in thanksgiving :) )
V: Views from the van and outside the van
I: Interstates so we can drive fast and arrive on time
N: New experiences that open us up to just how great our God is
G: Grace given 

I pray that we remember not only the things we are thankful for but more importantly the One we are to give thanks to who has blessed us so abundantly. Thanks for all the prayers and support!!

- Carrie 

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