Friday, November 09, 2007

Back from Hong Kong

I'm back home in good ol' MN, and it seems surreal that I have been gone for an entire month. If I could describe the ministry time in Hong Kong, it would be intense. We were there for 4 weeks, and we did 77 concerts. About 45 of them were schools, 8 in malls, 5 street evangelism, and the rest churches and other YFC events. We worked with the Youth For Christ there, which was a huge blessing. They are very driven people and will go to all extents in order to share the Gospel with as many people as they can. I learned so much from them!!

Never had I been as physically exhausted from doing 3-5 concerts a day, hauling our equipment up/down many stairs, waking up at 5:30 a.m and getting home at 8, and walking a billio to wherever we had to go, but my time there really challenged me to go outside of my comfort zone of sharing Christ with people. We were asked to share our testimonies with thousands of people, a very daunting task. There were so many times where I didn't feel adequate to be speaking up there, yet everytime was an opportunity to share Christ with someone, and I couldn't miss that opportunity. We went out into the streets and malls to share our music/dramas, but more importantly the love of Christ. Those venues are something that we really don't get a chance to do here in the states, so I found it an honor.
I'm still trying to process this all-- Thank you SO much for all of your prayers.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

love it! love it!
Thanks for the update, Brooke, and the pics. I've been praying for you guys and will continue to as you've left for this next tour.

Tiffany (aka Spiff -- love you, Bek!)